Directive Compliance Guidelines for State Agencies

Contact Information


Comptroller's Directive No. 1-24


Comptroller's Directive No. 1-24, Directive Compliance Guidelines for State Agencies, rescinds and replaces Comptroller's Directive No. 1-23. This Directive addresses state agency reporting requirements, which are necessary to compile the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) of the Comptroller as required by the Code of Virginia.

Comptroller's Directive No. 1-24

This Directive is available in PDF format. Select the respective hyperlink below to download each section.
  • Items of Interest Regarding Directive No. 1-24 [PDF]
  • Comptroller's Directive No. 1-24, pages 1-18, Directive Compliance Guidelines for State Agencies [PDF]
  • Supplemental Information, pages 19-79, Directive Compliance Guidelines for State Agencies [PDF]
  • Individual Attachments and Instructions

Authoritative Guidance and Other References

The following authoritative guidance and other references are designed to aid the preparer in completing the Comptroller's directives.
  • Authoritative Literature / Guidance for Preparation of GAAP Basis Fund Financial Statement Templates [PDF]
  • VRS - GASB Statement No. 68 information (Coming Soon)
  • VRS - GASB Statement No. 75 information (Coming Soon)
  • DHRM - GASB Statement No. 75 information (Coming Soon)
  • Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
  • Fund Descriptions Spreadsheet [Excel]
  • GAAP Master List
  • GASBS No. 34 Government-wide Revenue Classification Table [Excel]
  • GASBS No. 48 Commonwealth of Virginia Intra-Entity Reporting List [Excel]
  • Glossary [PDF]
  • Master Equipment Leasing Program (MELP) Listing [Excel]
  • Prior Year Energy Performance Contract Cumulative Asset Balances by Agency List [Excel]
  • Prior Year Pollution Remediation Submissions Summary [Excel]
  • Prior Year Reported Intangible Balances by Agency and Category List [Excel]

If you have difficulty with the functionality of any of the directive courses, please contact If you cannot access the Learning Center or if you need your password reset, please contact your agency's Learning Center site administrator. If you are unsure who that is, or if you have other problems accessing the Learning Center, please contact the Learning Center help desk at

If you have questions or comments regarding Comptroller's Directive No. 1-24, Directive Compliance Guidelines for State Agencies, contact John Sotos, Assistant Director - Financial Statements; Jennifer Wykoff, Assistant Director - Financial Statements; Sarah Drysdale, Assistant Director - Financial Statements; or Susan Jones, Director, Financial Reporting.