Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting

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In accordance with the requirements set forth in the Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting Act, posted below are reports from Cardinal, the official accounting system for the Commonwealth. The reports show revenues collected by the Commonwealth by the Account ChartField. Beside each Account is its title, which will provide a description of the revenue collected. The Commonwealth operates on a fiscal year of July 1st through June 30th. Each report posted below provides cumulative year-to-date data. December’s report includes revenues collected from July 1st through December 31st, and June’s report includes data for the entire fiscal year, July 1st through June 30th.

There is one Cardinal report run with different sort criteria, which reports the same data in different formats. The formats are as follows:

As of December 31, 2023, the Department of Accounts has not identified any control findings issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts that pertain to the use of revenue.

The Auditor of Public Accounts reports that all transfers set forth in Part 3 of the Appropriation Act, Chapter 2, 2022 Virginia Acts of Assembly, Special Session I for December 2022 (PDF), Chapter 769, Virginia Acts of Assembly, 2023 Reconvened Session, for June 2023 (PDF) and Chapter 1, 2023 Virginia Acts of Assembly, Special Session I for December 2023 (PDF), except those transfers representing payments for services, or those transfers necessary to execute the intended purpose of revenue collections, meet the conditions prescribed for posting in the Virginia Truth in Revenue Source Reporting Act.

Cardinal Reports

December 2022

  • Revenue Status Report - Business Unit [PDF]
  • Revenue Status Report - Fund [PDF]

June 2023

  • Revenue Status Report - Business Unit [PDF]
  • Revenue Status Report - Fund [PDF]

December 2023

  • Revenue Status Report - Business Unit [PDF]
  • Revenue Status Report - Fund [PDF]